Despite what People Magazine and others have reported, DOTUS, (the White House pooch) has not been chosen says The Chicago Tribune.
People Magazine and several blogs have reported that Michelle Obama wants a rescue Portuguese Water Dog.
The first lady’s press secretary, Katie Lelyveld, said. “Mrs. Obama likes the Portuguese Water Dog, but she is only one of four votes.”
The dog the President is holding on the cover of L.A. Tails appears to be a Labradoodle. But either a Doodle or a PWD would be the “big rambunctious dog” he told Barbara Walters he wants to have running around the White House.
So stay tuned. First Puppy is sure to be named soon. And here at Pawfun, we’re glad that at least he/she won’t need Congressional approval or have to show whether his/her trainer was paid on or off the books.
Send a free e-card showing your pet in the Obama White House, compliments of Pawfun.